Adult Halloween Treats After the Little Goblins Go To Bed

Read time: 4:35 mins

What are you doing for Halloween this year? Hosting a virtual Halloween party with family and friends on Zoom or keeping it simple with a small party with just you and your kids?

No matter what you choose to do this October 31, Halloween is definitely different this year. Instead of getting their energy out walking all around the neighborhood, many kids will be bouncing off the walls inside the house. Parents like yourself may need a mental break after your little goblins and goblettes come down from their sugar high and crash into bed. 

Whether you’re a parent hoping to wind down after the kids go to sleep or you’re an empty nester and plan to be up late safely socializing (By the way, we don’t blame you. The kids are grown, and Halloween’s on a Saturday this year!), Three Wells is here to help…

How Do You Want to Feel?

The first thing you should ask yourself before choosing a cannabis product is “How do I want to feel?” If you’re looking to experience the euphoric, psychoactive effects of cannabis, you’ll likely want a THC-rich product. THC (or tetrahydrocannabinolis) is responsible for most of the euphoric effects that a person feels when consuming traditional cannabis. Additional terpenes (compounds found in all plants) and cannabinoids can considerably modify these effects. This is why different cannabis strains produce different results. If adult (recreational) cannabis use is legal in your state, you will have to choose the right strain – Indica, Sativa or a hybrid of the two – depending on how you want to feel.


Generally speaking, Indica strains tend to have physical effects that are felt more in the body. Achy muscles from playing Wii Bowling in the living room with the kids all night? Indica could provide you some relief from body aches and pains or muscle spasms. Indica is also relaxing and can help alleviate restless sleep or insomnia. 


Need a little pick me up? These Sativa strains tend to have stimulating mental effects. It’s for those looking for a more cerebral or upbeat experience. This energizing effect can benefit conditions like fatigue. It can increase laughter and cause lights, music, and motion to appear more vibrant and intense. 


These are the most common strains and take elements from both Indica and Sativa. Most hybrid strains are dominant in one or the other. Because the composition can vary, it is difficult to provide a general description of the effect. It’s useful to go to hybrids when you want the effects of cannabis without too much stimulation or sedation.


CBD (or cannabidiol) is a chemical compound found in both hemp and traditional cannabis plants. The primary difference between the two plants is that hemp lacks Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that produces the psychoactive effects in cannabis. To be classified as a hemp plant, it must contain less than 0.3% THC by volume. If adult (recreational) cannabis use is not legal in your state or if you just want the potential relaxing effects of cannabis without the “high” feeling THC brings, there are a variety of CBD products on the market. 

Edibles Becoming More and More Popular

Edible cannabis products have become wildly popular lately, especially this year with people’s anxiety about the pandemic and concerns about vaping illnesses. But there are other reasons why, too – they’re easy to consume and can be eaten discreetly, if necessary. If you’re interested in edible cannabis products, especially if you enjoy the Halloween tradition of unwrapping something sweet and popping it into your mouth, check out the Three Wells products page for special edible sections, including:

Live in a CBD-only state? No problem! Our products page has a wide variety of CBD edible products, including gummies, mints and beverages from well-known brands like Wana Wellness, Kiva Confections, Flav and many more.


Sharing Cannabis Treats at a Party? Do These 5 Things 

If you’re thinking about providing cannabis-infused treats to guests in your home or bringing some to a friend’s party, you must absolutely plan accordingly to avoid overindulgence by your fellow partygoers, especially if alcohol is being served. Remember, alcohol consumption increases reactions to THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis). Here are some tips: 

  1. Keep any THC dosage on the weak side and alternate between infused, non-infused, and CBD-only treats. 
  2. Always include placards or labels to identify the infused, non-infused, and CBD goodies.
  3. Consider the very real possibility of food allergies or other intestinal intolerances and provide alternates as needed. 
  4. Talk with partygoers to give them the various menu items and content breakdowns.
  5. Lastly, unless they are good friends, assume they know nothing about cannabis edibles that contain THC, or the lag time for effects to set in. For many, this may be their first experience with edibles, so do all you can to make it a positive one. After all, once consumed, it can’t be undone. Encourage those indulging in your treats to wait 20 minutes before deciding whether or not to eat more infused edibles. The effects from edibles can take a little while to come on, especially if you’ve had a large meal earlier in the day. Advise guests to eat small portions, then wait 20 to 30 minutes to see how they feel before eating more.

There’s no doubt this Halloween is different than ever before, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. Whether you’re staying in or going out, let Three Wells help you have the exact Halloween you’re looking for.

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